
Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Have you ever seen an ogaloo in your life?  If not, read on….
The ogaloo has many features, such as spider-like, bony and outrageous fingers.  They also have fur as rough as leather and a stare scarier than the teachers’!  All ogaloos have rainbow fur because of a side effect from the jelly beans, skittles and M & M’s they eat.  They use their elephant, yoda colossal ears to carry their young and food.
Life cycle
The ogaloo has a very unusual life cycle. It begins as a flake of skin from a human to a full blown Ogaloo.

Ogaloos can never become extinct because of their life cycle.
Ogaloos live in the ruins of Costa Boopaloca.  They love to live there because of the infinite supply of    M & M’s, skittles and jelly bean trees.  To get across the ruin of Costa Boopaloca they fart so hard that it can be heard in Bopabopaboo (100 million kms away).  To call their brothers and sisters they make a big cake, stick it up their bum and screech like they're trying to shatter your Dad’s favourite beer glass!
Ogaloos love to eat jelly beans, M & M’s and skittles.  They are lollieavourus which means they only eat lollies.  Some ogaloos eat nasty, horrible and witch-like teachers (such as Mrs Bocock) but only if their brothers have been cursed by the ‘Witch of P4’ (Mrs Bocock).
All Ogaloos have one arch rival -the hideous, revolting and just plain DISGUSTING Mrs Bocock!!.  Mrs  Bocock likes to think she is the tyrant of Costa Boopaloca but to be honest, she’s like the hermit crab no one cares about.  Mrs Bocock bakes the baby ogaloos into pies and gives the left overs to her              apprentice, Miss Avery, who makes sushi with it.  Ogaloos love to play tricks on the witches, from putting poop down their pants to making jelly bean bombs to throw at them!
I hope this informed you about the ogaloo.  If you ever happen to be put in Mrs Bocock’s class, run!   Run until you’re out of her sight while you still have hope!  


What Am I?

I am very staunch and beasty.
I have short but stubby horns.
I am a Native American
I can be very cut-throat and    dangerous when provoked.
I have a big woolly mane.
What am I?

Monday, 3 September 2012

Bio Poem

Funny, Silly, Sporty
Wishes to be a famous illustrator
Dreams of owning a Ferrari
Wants to play pro golf
Who wonders if there’s life after death
Who fears cockroaches taking over the World
Who is afraid of heights
Who likes pirates, Greek gods and sports
Who believes in ghosts
Who loves soccer and basketball
Who plans to be wealthy
I hope my dreams come true

Camp Senses Poem

Thornton Beach Camp
Tents blowing in the violent and destructive wind.
Sweaty, exhausted children in the morning
People playing in the luxurious, soft sand
Hot, delicious fish cakes dancing on my taste buds
Bitter, yuck saltwater tingles my tongue as it gushes down my throat